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Jepp! - Nå er vi klare for roadtrip nedover til Chamonix! Henrik, Øystein og Simen er med, og vi har vært så heldige at vi har fått den lokale bilforhandleren Skogen Bil med på laget som har sponset oss med en flott og romslig bil for å komme oss nedover! Det å kjøre nedover gjør hele logistikken enklere. Det er en super deal for oss, så takk til Skogen bil!

Tomorrow morning we are heading for Chamonix and for the Freeride World Tour Opening on Saturday. My three good friends Henrik Gangsø, Øystein Aasheim and Simen Aasheim will join me on the trip and we are looking forward to ski our way through Europe:) Vågå representing´! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for updates!

As some of you may have noticed I fractured my toe two weeks ago, so the preparation hasn´t been optimal, but with great help from my chiropractor Andreas Brunes I´m in for the competition in Chamonix, at least that´s the plan!

I´ve also signed som new sponsor deals this season. Helly Hansen is still my main sponsor, giving me the best support and I will ride my tailored ON3P skis. Camelbak is one of my new sponsors and I´m really glad to be on their team! Looking forward to testing out their new products. I will shortly announce all my deals for this season.

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